About Our Church

Revive Church of the Nazarene is a community whose faith lies in Jesus Christ. The name "Revive," "Church," and "Nazarene," along with the phoenix of water and fire all have unique meanings as identifies as to who we are as a church and as individuals. Get the full story below!

The Phoenix of fire and water is our emblem. It is symbolic to who we are. The phoenix is a mythical bird that bursts into flames when it dies. Out of the ashes of its former self a new bird is born. St. Clement of Rome used the bird in a letter to the Corinthians to explain the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Through our faith in Christ we also share in His resurrection (Romans 6:3-4). All who believe in Jesus by faith, repented of their sins, and chose to follow him by taking up their cross daily have died to their former lives of shame, guilt, and sin, and are a new creation in Christ! (Matthew 16:24; Romans 6:10-11; 2 Corinthians 5:17).


The Phoenix is made up of part water. The water represents the sacrament of the baptism of water. John the Baptist announced that he baptized with water for the repentence of sins but the one who is greater than him would baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire (Matthew 3:11). Therefore, blue represents the baptism of water which is symbolic of the washing away of a persons sins. To learn more about the sacrament of the baptism see our beliefs section below.


The Phoenix is also made up of fire which represents the baptism of fire expressed by John the Baptism in Matthew 3:11. Acts 1 Jesus tells his disciples that they “will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes…” In Acts 2:3 all the people witnessed the Holy Spirit descend on the disciples “like tongues of fire.” The orange represents the baptism of the Holy Spirit which empowers the witness of believers to the world and also refines the believer to live a life of holiness. To learn more about the Holy Spirit, sanctification, and holiness, see our beliefs section below.


To be revived is to be brought back to life. We, through faith, have been brought into a new life in Jesus Christ. We believe that all were created in the image of God but sin had caused us to fall short. By faith in Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit our sinful life has been burried with Christ and have joined with him in the resurrection. We have been revived and continue to be restored into the imago Dei (image of God).


“Church” comes from the Greek word ecclesia meaning “a called-out assembly or meeting.” We refuse to be another religious club, but a group of people called out of the darkness of our lives and into the light of a new life in Christ, sharing in his ministry of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18; 1 Peter 2:9).


Jesus, being from Nazareth, is referred to as a Nazarene. As He at in solidarity and ministered to the marginalized, the religious leaders mocked, “Can anything good can come out of Nazareth” (John 1:46). We too stand in solidarity with Christ and His lowly and toiling ministry to the marginalized, oppressed, hurting, ill, shamed, and to all people

Jarid Hundley

Jarid Hundley


Pastor Jarid Hundley grew up in Cedar Falls, IA, where he met his wife Kelli. After joining the Marines Jarid and Kelli were married as Highschool sweethearts and not long later Jarid deployed to Iraq (2008). After retruning Jarid became a Police Officer in Waterloo, IA where he served for seven years and he and Kelli raised four children. Pastor Jarid gave his heart to the Lord in 2013, anwered the call to ministry in 2016 and became Pastor of Mason City Nazarene Church in 2017. In 2019, the Lord brought Pastor Jarid, Kelli and family to Evanston, WY where they continue to serve the Jesus Christ, His Church, and the community. Pastor Jarid has a passion for “table fellowship” and a ministry characterized as “incarnational.” To share Christ with others is to share a life with others, embodying John Wesley’s understanding of holiness: “There is no holiness but social holiness.” 

Kelli Hundley

Kelli Hundley


Kelli (1987) grew up in Goshen, IN before moving to Waterlo, Iowa in the 6th grade. A few years later she attended Cedar Falls High School where she met Pastor Jarid in gym class. After High School she married Jarid before he went to Iraq and shorty after his return they began to build their family. The two had four children (Isabella, Ethyn, Jordyn, and Jessa) and one who went to be with the Lord early (Elijah). Kelli, having overcome many challenges throughout life with the Lord’s help, has felt a call to minister to women facing similar difficulties. Throughout her and Jarid’s time in ministry she has discovered an inate ability to connect with kids in deep and meaningful ways. Her dedication to the children has brought new life into the church and to the families it directly effects. She is currently the Children’s Pastor. The ministry to our children has become the lifeblood of the church!